about me

Reni is an artist, a copywriter, a social media creative, a meme-savant, a cat dad, a budding author, an okay painter, a baker, an exercise tolerant, a cabaret clown, and a cheeky menace to loved ones.

It's much easier to say they are an innovative and incredibly modest multihyphenate.

Their work as an artist has been featured on their mum's fridge door, above their sister's fireplace, and in their hallway.

In their Log Off Time™, they bake tasty cakes as reni steady cook for as many friends who will eat them, tap away at the first draft of their murder mystery book, run a mildly popular meme page, and read. A lot.

that's me on the left, hello 👋🏾

as seen in

contact me

I'd be delighted to hear from you, please feel free to get in touch.

email: morenike.adebayo@gmail.com

instagram: reniadeb

twitter: @reniadeb